This 1 Choice Affects Whether You Achieve Your Dreams

What do you want out of life? The answer to this question is what pushes people to do big things like starting a business, changing their lifestyle, or getting in shape. Whatever dreams you have, there are three crucial questions that you need to ask yourself:

  1. What do I want?
  2. Why do I want it?
  3. How am I going to get it?

But out of those three reflective questions, only one provides a game plan that leads to action- the question of “how” you’re going to achieve your goal realistically. Action that brings your dreams to life requires a choice on your part. You need to choose something hard, something sacrificial, and something rewarding.

You need to choose self-discipline.

SELF DISCIPLINE – Best Motivational Speech Video (Featuring Will Smith)

“Self-discipline is the center of all material success.” -Will Smith.

What are you willing to give up to make your dreams come true? Comfort, sleep, food choices, relationships, money- is there anything you’re holding onto that prevents you from reaching true success?

In comparison to what you want most, these things should all be secondary. You have the power to achieve whatever you set your mind to be determined to do. If your mind is still set on things that will make you happy in the moment, it won’t bring you true satisfaction. 

Self-discipline cuts out the things that douse your flame of a passionate drive. You might hang out less with people that are negative or unmotivated. Maybe you make it a point to wake up earlier and sacrifice your preferred sleep routine so that you can get a head start on the day. 

Whatever you end up doing, how much you give to your cause will show up in the result. What you put in is what you get out, and sacrifice will end with long-term reward. If you genuinely love yourself, you’re able to put other pleasures and desires aside so that you can do things that are ultimately good for you.