Make More Effective To-Do Lists With Task Management Apps

So much to do, so little time. Even with to-do lists a mile long, only 7% of Americans report feeling truly productive. What’s the best way to manage all of your daily activities so that you can be most effective?Download any of these task management apps to help you be more efficient throughout your day.


With Todoist, you can categorize all of your tasks according to subject. Each subject can also be color-coded and ranked by level of urgency. You can add tasks to your schedule so that you can receive reminders for your responsibilities. All of their user-friendly features make daily organization a breeze.

Tick Tick

The worst part about organizing your day is how much time it takes to do it. But you can cut that time down and make your planning much more efficient by using Tick Tick. You can use voice input to add new list items on the go, and you can also condense long emails into jobs for your task list.


If team task management is what you need, Trello is perfect for you and your group. It’s used by big companies such as Google, Fender, and Costco. There’s a shared work board that holds timelines and calendars so that everyone involved is on the same page. You can also manage your tasks in a more detailed way with your own personalized Trello board.


Asana helps you keep track of team and individual tasks all at the same time so that you’re not getting lost in a whirlwind of emails and conference notes. It makes communication quick and checklists easy to keep track of with simple to-do lists. You can also share task priorities so that coworkers know when to expect certain things to be done. is an all-in-one app that hosts planning tools, trackers, collaboration tools, timelines, and task lists all in one place for easy communication. You can have everything exchanged in one place so that it’s easy to track and you don’t have to waste time jumping between apps.