How To Get Good Career Decision Advice

Photo by Ketut Subiyanto:

To make informed career decisions, college students should connect their personal values and goals to potential career paths. With so many options, it’s crucial for students to take a structured approach to career planning. Here are three steps to help:

1. Identify Values and Goals: Write down and rank your top five values or life goals. Think of values that will remain important to you in ten years, and consider how each career choice impacts these priorities. For example, values might include helping others, making money, continuing to learn, being close to friends and family, and being creative. This list serves as the foundation for your career decisions.

2. Seek Expert Advice: Talk to professionals in your desired field about how the job aligns with your values and goals. For each career option, write a brief description of how it would impact your values. Identify any uncertainties and ask experts specific questions about these areas. For instance, ask a military officer if their job allows for creativity or if they miss being close to family. This targeted approach ensures you get relevant insights tailored to your personal priorities.

3. Consult Loved Ones: Ask friends and family for alternative career suggestions that match your values. Instead of seeking their opinion on a specific job, explain your values and goals, and ask what other careers they think would be a good fit. Their intimate knowledge of you can reveal options you might overlook. For example, if you’re considering a career in the military but value helping others and being creative, they might suggest other roles that align better with these values.

By focusing on these steps, students can make thoughtful, value-driven career choices, gain clarity on their aspirations, and overcome the natural resistance to new ideas. This holistic approach, which includes introspection and seeking advice from both experts and loved ones, ensures that career decisions are well-informed and aligned with personal fulfillment.

Read the full article on Forbes.