How To Balance Working Multiple Jobs

Surveys show that approximately 13 million workers in the U.S. work multiple jobs. That is a staggering number, but taking on this much work is often necessary in order to keep up with ever-increasing living expenses that have risen 2.3% in the last year.

When taking on this amount of work, it’s important to keep a careful balance between different responsibilities so that everything gets done well. If you’re working several jobs at the same time, consider these tips to help you perform at your best.

Keep a Calendar

When you’re a busy person with a heavy load of responsibilities, it’s easy to forget things like meetings, hangouts, parties, and errands. Keeping a calendar is a must if you’re balancing several high-commitment schedules. It makes it much easier to add to your plans if you’re aware of what you’ve already committed to doing.

Don’t forget to take commutes and meal times into consideration when you’re adding items onto your calendar. Transitioning between events takes time and energy, and it’s important to incorporate these small items into your schedule.

Plan Ahead

It’s helpful to designate a specific day where you take an hour or two to familiarize yourself with your schedule, adding more items as needed throughout the week. Having so many obligations is no easy feat, and staying organized is a critical part of maintaining balance.

Planning ahead is a key part of proactivity. Being proactive in your planning helps you to be better prepared as a worker, allowing you to get everything done without having to stress about details you accidentally neglected.

Schedule Rest

As much as it’s important to keep up with work, rest is a crucial part of your schedule to help you stay balanced. In order to avoid burnout, be sure to schedule time for rest and relaxation.

When you’re caught up in the hustle of the day-to-day, it can be tempting to keep working and view rest as a luxury you can’t afford. That’s why it’s necessary to be diligent about working in time to rest before you get lost under the pressure of your responsibilities.