Everything You Need to Build a Studio Office Shed

Surveys show that after the pandemic hit, more than 71% of employees now do the majority of their work from home. However, it can be difficult to set up a productive office space in your household that is quiet and easy to focus in. 

Studio sheds are the perfect solution for those who want the convenience of remote work without the distraction of other household members. If you want to elevate your office space and build a secluded studio shed in your backyard, here’s everything you’ll need to consider in order to build one. 


Studio sheds are completely exposed to the elements, and they need extra weatherproofing in order to keep your belongings safe. From the inside out, make sure you choose high-quality materials so that you don’t compromise the integrity of your office shed. 

Important aspects to consider when weather-proofing your shed is the durability of your insulation, ventilation, paint, and caulk. Skimming over any of these details can result in leaks and cracks that will cause lots of damage if left unmaintained.

Multi-Use Furniture

Sheds are small spaces, and every piece of furniture that’s placed within a shed needs to be useful. Having furniture with two or three different uses makes your studio space much more intentional and practical. 

For example, find a leaflet table that can be screwed into the wall to use as a desk. Instead of taking up permanent space, having a table that folds up gives your furniture layout more flexibility. 


Every office needs these two essential things- wifi and electricity. Without them, there’s no way to charge devices, hop on a conference call, or browse the web.

It’s possible to study the basics of household wiring so that you can run power to your shed. However, if you’re not confident about your DIY skills, it’s best not to risk it. Contact your local electrician to help you set up the proper wiring that will bring your office shed to life.