Do THIS After Every Job Interview

You’ve finally scored the interview for your dream job. Everything went perfectly, and now you’re just waiting to hear back. While you hope and pray the interview went well, there are actions you can take afterward to increase your chances. Here’s how to ensure you slam-dunk that position in the very best way.

Write a Thank-You Note

Taking the time to sit down and compose a written note or letter is often considered a lost art. Yet, it still impresses and wows most business professionals. The fact that a potential employee takes the time to personally handcraft their words shows a lot of appreciation. That makes you appear like a rare gem in a sea of stones.

Be sure to address the correct person in the letter and make sure you spell their name right. Explain briefly how much you appreciated that they took the time for the interview and to show you around the business. This extra touch could mean the callback you’ve been wanting. 

Jot Down What You Discussed

As soon as the interview is over, get out your tablet and write down the highlights of the interview, including what you discussed and any pertinent pieces of the conversation that you’d like to remember. Employers do this, and they’ll likely have all of those questions in front of them.

For you, it helps keep the information fresh on your mind moving forward should you have that second interview. You’ll be able to review details at a quick glance before heading into that second meeting. Employers love savvy individuals who strike up conversations about what they talked about prior. 

Send a Quick Follow-Up Email

After sending the thank-you note, wait a week or two. Then, send a gentle reminder email that you’re still interested in the position. Keep it short and professional, not a page long. Watch for wordiness and grammatical errors.

Again, highlight your appreciation for their time and how excited you are about scheduling a second interview. End the email by saying you are available immediately for a follow-up and look forward to meeting with them again. 

Be Patient

You believe the interview went perfectly. Now, all that’s left to do is play the waiting game. It’s difficult to do, especially when you know there are other candidates who are just as qualified, if not more, than you. It may be tempting to place a phone call or send out another email, but be patient. 

Send the thank-you note out a day or two after the interview and an email a week after that, but don’t send out multiples. If you’re the right candidate, you’ll get that return call. 

Taking the time out to go that extra mile can make a huge difference in whether you’ll get a call-back interview or not. Proper follow-ups, including thank-you letters, emails, and phone calls, are great ways to show your care and concern. It also helps strengthen and establish relationships, both professionally and personally.