Are Sleep Podcasts the Real Deal?

Do you sleep well? Considering that 35% of Americans say they have poor sleep quality, it’s no suprise that sleep podcasts have exploded in recent years. While many still turn to tried and true remedies like sleeping pills and serotonin, many want to try a less invasive means to help facilitate a good night’s sleep.

Not all sleep problems are insomnia. While falling asleep is a problem for many, staying asleep and feeling refreshed in the morning are also common sleep complaints. Getting a good night’s sleep can not only make you feel better during the day, but it can also be good for your health as well. It’s a good idea to take any sleep problems you experience seriously.

Sleep apps and podcasts fill the non-medical gap to help people fall asleep and stay asleep. Not all sleep apps and podcasts are created equal, however. And personal tastes certainly differ as well. The perfect sleep podcast for someone else may not work as well for you. We think you’ll love our list of sleep podcasts you should try!

Sleep with Me

The gold standard of sleep podcasts, the host of Sleep with Me uses a narration style that is sometimes jumbled and hard to follow. That along with his tone of voice, which has been likened to verbal white noise, somehow creates a magical wave of brain soothing nonsense that Sleep with Me’s legions of listeners fall asleep. Sleep with Me is difficult to describe and must be experienced to be understood. If you’re thinking of trying sleep podcasts, this is the place to start.

Stories from the Borders of Sleep

If speculative, meandering bedtime stories delivered in a soft British accent sounds like something that might help lull you off to the Land of Nod, Stories from the Borders of Sleep may be a sleep podcast which will work well for you. With a gentle background soundtrack that reminds you of the music you hear at a spa, this podcast creates an immersive experience to lure you to sleep.

Deep Energy

Brain tranquilizing instrumental new age music has a way of bringing a sense of relaxation and healing, and Deep Energy delivers that in spades. While they encourage use for massage, meditation, or yoga, you may find these kinds of tones are the perfect thing to put you into REM sleep in a jiffy.


If you ever took a high school or college literature class and found that old novels tended to put you to sleep, then this is absolutely the podcast for you. The host reads old books in a low, slow, almost-whispered style that is sure to send you straight off to Dreamland.

Nothing Much Happens: Bedtime Stories For Adults

Just like it says on the tin, this wispy meditative dream of a podcast delivers wandering stories that will never jar you awake just as you’re starting to nod off. The stories are read twice, with the second reading being even slower and softer.