3 Apps That Will Help You Win At Work

With technology being such an integral part of modern life, there seems to be no excuse for inefficiencies. There is an endless number of resources available at our fingertips to enhance productivity in every area of life- especially the workplace.

If you’re wanting to do your job more efficiently, try these four apps that will help you increase your effectiveness at work.

Network With LinkedIn

With hundreds of millions of members partaking in this networking service, LinkedIn is one of the most well-known apps that bring like-minded professionals together. This app is a convenient way to network, find new places of employment, and post job listings as an employer. There is also an Open To Work feature that allows you to filter the users that have access to your profile.

If you’re looking to increase your employability, LinkedIn also offers affordable courses to teach you new work-related skills. With these newfound skillsets, you can thoroughly research new potential job opportunities to expand your horizons.

Communicate With GroupMe

Do you loathe the never-ending notifications of work-related texts and group chats? Staying connected with groups of professionals can be made much easier with GroupMe. GroupMe is a messaging app that allows you to name and organize your group chats, keeping them all in one place.

This app makes communication more convenient, centralized, and accessible. You don’t have to worry about someone losing their phone or changing their number- as long as group members can log in to their profile, they can have access to the communication that happens in the group. It’s a perfect way to stay in touch with people you met at a conference, or with coworkers.

Manage With ClickUp

ClickUp is the perfect app for all of your administrative needs. It’s easy to waste your time trying to keep track of all that you have to do within a workday, as well as communicate with coworkers about what there is left to be done.

But with ClickUp, you can set reminders and report milestones so that no detail is missed. The app’s features serve to best equip users with efficient process management, project management, and time management. It’s easily customizable for individualized use, and can be integrated with other external apps such as Zoom or Google Calendar so that you can manage all of your work in one place.